Monday, March 1, 2010

And so it begins... more or less

So, I've finally decided to start a blog.

I duno how often I'll be updating it, but I plan to record my progress learning to write programs for Google's Android platform.

A bit of personal background

I've been coding Java for a few years, got a couple books from the local library and taught myself. Haven't really made anything special, a fairly simple text-based adventure game, a small network chat app. I'm fairly familiar with the standard Java libraries.

But Android... I haven't really begun to learn that beast... I know there are major differences in the structure of the program, how it is run and managed by the OS, but I haven't researched exactly how different the libraries are from the standard.

And now...
I have also chosen to begin using Eclipse with the Android plug-in, so I'm actually faced with two challenges at once, learning both Android and Eclipse, although I doubt the later will be much trouble. Everything is installed and set-up: the tool collection is complete and in place, now I must learn to use them...

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